Federal Service

for Military-Technical Cooperation

ASF Armament and Equipment
Su-57EAdvanced Multi-Task Fighter

Purpose and Main Tasks

Su-57E is the fifth-generation frontline aviation multi-task system designed for a wide range of combat tasks in the process of attacking airborne, ground and surface targets. The aircraft may be used day-and-night under all-weather conditions in a heavy jamming environment.





The main combat properties

The main combat properties making it different from the previous generation air systems are as follows:

  • stealthiness of actions due to low visibility within the radar wavelength band, inclusive of avionics operation and armament usage;
  • high jamming resistance of the avionics and aircraft armament system, inclusive of interaction with the automated control systems of different arms;
  • long supersonic flight mode with a wide range of available onboard weapons.


In addition, superiority over the 4++ generation aircrafts is ensured with regard to the following combat properties:

  • automation and high intellectualization of combat operations;
  • multi-task capability;
  • omni-direction coverage and multi-channel capability of weapon delivery, usage of high-precision “long arm” weapon;
  • supermaneuvrability and supersonic maneuverability.